Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Journey to Lome, Togo

Preparation! Preparation! Preparation!

The time has come for me to start seriously preparing for my ten month journey to Lome, Togo in Africa. While I am in Africa I will be teaching PreK-Kindergarten at ArcenCiel International School of Lome. Visit the school's website at http://www.arc-en-ciel.org/Eng/home.htm. I am tentatively scheduled to leave the United States on August 27, 2008. The exact date and time will be determined very soon.

I am going to the post office tomorrow to apply for my passport. Who knew passport photos could look so awful:-) I am comforted by the fact that passport photos are an inaccurate depiction of true beauty.

I made an appointment for June 9, 2008 at 8:30 AM to get international travel consultation and many vaccines. So far I am aware of three needed vaccines: Typhoid, Yellow Fever, and Hepatitis A. My arms are going to deflate from the inside out ( I am petrified of NEEDLES!). I am going to need a lot of ice cream after this arm numbing experience.


Mehari said...

All you have to do is smile and that passport picture will become a glamour shot! :-)

I'll hook you up with a bowl of cheesecake ice cream after you bravely conquer those needles!

ceelove said...

I'm so excited for you. Love your "writer's voice". Thanks for deciding to blog about this experience; that way we can keep up with you. We'll miss you at da'Jack, but this experience is sure to be life-changing.

Adora said...

I LOVE this! It is such a FABULOUS idea. And it's true, your "writer's voice" is fantastic. It will be hard to live in a Shelley-free existence (I love me some Shelley) but we are very excited for you!!! xoxo-aa

Lola said...

I am scared of needles as well, however breathe in and out and it will be over. I went to Ghana and I recieved alot of shots.I truly feel your pain

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea to blog your new journey!! I'm excited to have you join me here in Lome, Togo. It's amazing how God takes care of his children. I find my comfort and peace in knowing no matter where I go in the world I will have him with me,watching out for me.I can't wait! I'm counting the days down (for real). Don't forget the honeybuns :) See you soon!!