Thursday, August 28, 2008
Africa Here I Come, Again
On my tenth call to the Ghana Consulate in New York, someone finally picked up the extension that connected to the ONLY person in the entire building who handled VISAS. Unlike my pass experiences with the Ghanaians at the Consulate, this woman was very informative and polite. My visa will be processed today and will be sent back to Atlanta this evening. Hopefully it will be here at some point tomorrow, since I used Express mail. Depending on when it arrives tomorrow, I can possibly get on the last flight at 12:25 PM. I it does not get here in time I will try to catch the first flight out on Saturday. Keep me in your prayers.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Incredible, Edible, Ghana Visa
So here it is 6:20 PM on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 and where in the world is Shelley???? Well Shelley is sitting on the couch at Courtney's town home in Atlanta, GA... OMG... What happened??? Long story short I was...correction...Courtney and I were at the largest airport in the world yesterday from 10AM to 4:30 PM trying to organize my next move, since Delta Airlines would not let me on the plane without a Ghana Visa. I am sure there are folks out there saying "Shelley, duh. I knew you needed a visa." To you I say, "Why did you not tell me????" This just goes to show that not matter how prepared one THINKS they are for life there will undoubtedly be a curve balls thrown...the only solution is to roll with the pitches.
If you now me you know that yesterday was full of tears, walking, talking, and just mere FRUSTRATION!!! But God sent me a support system yesterday (sometimes I forget how blessed I am) . Courtney dropped me off at the airport and was due to work at 1PM, when she got a whiff of the drama that was about to go down, she immediately called the Braves and told them she would need the day off. I would have crumbled for sure if she was not there.
I am currently waiting on the visa. I sent my passport and paperwork to the Ghana Consulate in New York and now I wait!!! I am booked for a flight out on Friday, but it all depends on the incredible, edible, Ghana Visa:-)
If you now me you know that yesterday was full of tears, walking, talking, and just mere FRUSTRATION!!! But God sent me a support system yesterday (sometimes I forget how blessed I am) . Courtney dropped me off at the airport and was due to work at 1PM, when she got a whiff of the drama that was about to go down, she immediately called the Braves and told them she would need the day off. I would have crumbled for sure if she was not there.
I am currently waiting on the visa. I sent my passport and paperwork to the Ghana Consulate in New York and now I wait!!! I am booked for a flight out on Friday, but it all depends on the incredible, edible, Ghana Visa:-)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
SURPRISE!!! i am NOT my hair

So here is the surprise. I did it!!!!
Afterwards, I looked in the mirror and did not recognize the person staring back at me. I have spent most of my life using my hair as a protective shield. This shield covered up my insecurities, self doubt, and at times my lack of self confidence (some will call it faking it until you make it). No longer can I hide!!! I am a child of God and this is how he made me. I am 100% exposed to the world with no where to run. THIS IS ME and I LOVE IT.
I now introduce to you... Shelley and all of her beauty, insecurities, self doubt, intelligence, kinky hair, and confidence (just to name a few). I love her and I hope you do to:-)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
8 Days and Counting!
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick!!!! The time is quickly ticking by until I depart on the adventure of my life. I am still in the process of getting things packed to go into storage. I have had to purge so much clothing from my wardrobe. It is amazing how many clothes I had that I did not wear and had not worn for years. This is awful...someone could have been getting good use out of those clothes. I am now about to purge my suitcases (which are almost packed) because I think I packed too much. I am limited to 2- 50 pounds suitcases on the plane. I mailed three boxes of items today to Togo. Hopefully they will get arrive the same week I arrive (cross your fingers and pray to God). This is a short posting, but stay soon because I will have a HUGE surprise in a few days;-0 What ever could it be??????
Saturday, August 9, 2008
16 Days and Counting!!!
Well guys there are only 16 days left until I depart for Lome. I am very excited and anxious to step my feet on African soil. I got my last vaccine (Yellow Fever) yesterday. Turns out I only needed 6 shots--Whoa! Hoo! God is good all of the time. My dear friend, Courtney, took me to the World Travel Clinic and took fantastic care of me. She is the best:-)
My Roots!!
I just had my African ancestry traced through mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence testing. This DNA test traced my maternal lineage (in other words, my mother's mother's mother's mother). Enough of that info let's reveal my African Ancestry...1...2...3... the Masa people, who settled in present day Cameroon. Of course, I plan on visiting this country whilel in Africa. I have started doing research on the tribe, but have come up empty handed. The Masa people make up a very small percentage of the population in Cameroon. I will keep you all updated on this new revelation.
Following God's Path
As I prepare to embark on this life journey, I am reminded every minute of every day that this is God's plan for my life. There were days when I did not know if this life journey would be possible, financially and mentally. But every time I carried doubt and worry in my heart, God revealed himself to me in the people he put in my life. I have had some amazing, generous, and dedicated people who have made it a priority to get me safe and sound to Africa and I know with every breath in my body that these people were (and continue to be) a gift from God. I say all of this to say THANK YOU to these people (they all know who they are). I thank God for you all every day. I love you all!!!
My Roots!!
I just had my African ancestry traced through mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence testing. This DNA test traced my maternal lineage (in other words, my mother's mother's mother's mother). Enough of that info let's reveal my African Ancestry...1...2...3... the Masa people, who settled in present day Cameroon. Of course, I plan on visiting this country whilel in Africa. I have started doing research on the tribe, but have come up empty handed. The Masa people make up a very small percentage of the population in Cameroon. I will keep you all updated on this new revelation.
Following God's Path
As I prepare to embark on this life journey, I am reminded every minute of every day that this is God's plan for my life. There were days when I did not know if this life journey would be possible, financially and mentally. But every time I carried doubt and worry in my heart, God revealed himself to me in the people he put in my life. I have had some amazing, generous, and dedicated people who have made it a priority to get me safe and sound to Africa and I know with every breath in my body that these people were (and continue to be) a gift from God. I say all of this to say THANK YOU to these people (they all know who they are). I thank God for you all every day. I love you all!!!
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