So here is the surprise. I did it!!!!
Afterwards, I looked in the mirror and did not recognize the person staring back at me. I have spent most of my life using my hair as a protective shield. This shield covered up my insecurities, self doubt, and at times my lack of self confidence (some will call it faking it until you make it). No longer can I hide!!! I am a child of God and this is how he made me. I am 100% exposed to the world with no where to run. THIS IS ME and I LOVE IT.
I now introduce to you... Shelley and all of her beauty, insecurities, self doubt, intelligence, kinky hair, and confidence (just to name a few). I love her and I hope you do to:-)
I must admit....I LOVE THE NEW HAIR STYLE!!!
As we all go through life hiding our insecurities for one reason or another, we must always remember why we made it an insecurity in the first place. Insecurities are regarded as a weakness for some, but I firmly believe that it is a necessity for us to change and become stronger in who we are as CHILDREN OF GOD! One thing I want you to always remember is:
"The task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate INSECURITY."
--Erich Fromm
1900-1980, American Psychologist
Shelley, it seems to me that you have tolerated your insecurity long enough, and have conquered it in order to grow as a free spirit! Although we may be consistent with who we are in the end, we can still tolerate who we are and try to work on those insecurities that hold us back from growing!
Shelley, keep growing, and never stop questioning!
Ryan Mohammed
Hey Shelley,
Wow, what an adventure! How freeing to get rid of (all sorts of)"excess baggage"! Know that where ever you go in this great big world you are loved, prayed for and thought of often and fondly! Lome, Togo is lucky to have you! Good Luck & we'll be with you via blog...Robin, Papa Smurf, Toby & Iris
OMG....I have to say that at first glance I took a double take and said "Where is her hair". Girl you are truly doing a cleansing and teaching us all along the way. I can not wait to read about each step in your journey.
Your supporter and friend,
It was so good talking to you the other night; I am sorry it was cut short! I think you are beautiful and am so excited about the journey that you are beginning. You are so strong and I know that you are going to do wonderful things in Togo!
I wanted to share some pics of the baby- My blog is http://jlping.blogspot.com. take a look at the slideshow...it covers the past 6 months...she is getting so big! the most recent pics are her in the yellow polka dot dress.
Keep in touch, and I can't wait to read your updates!
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