Thursday, October 23, 2008

2 Doctors in 2 Months

So here it is almost the end of my second month in Togo, an I was off again to see the doctor. The first time I saw the doctor he made a house call to the school... it turns out I had malaria. Before I continue, let me clarify soemthing for those of you who know me very well...YES !!I was taking my malaria medication, but I got sick anyway. It turns out that malaria is treatable and the drugs are very inexpensive (keep in mind that the average monthly take home for a teaching assitant is less than $200 US dollars). Where it may be afforable for is not necessarily affordable for the average Togolese. Malaria only becomes life threatening when left untreated.

So today I was off to see a doctor in a clinic around the corner for doctor visit number 2. During the visit the doctor did what doctor's usually do: temperature, ENT check, and blood pressure...the normal routine...except she speaks French and I speak English. What a visit!!! Between our limited vocabularies I was able to understand what medications she prescribed and the dosages. So now I am on some medication and feeling much better.

Let's get down to the real question: How much did this cost, since I do not have health insurance... the fisrt visit (house call...yes there are doctors that still make those) cost me 13000 francs, which is about $28 US (this included a blood test for malaria). The second trip cost me 5000 francs, which is about $11 US. Crazy huh???? US health care is through the roof and you get the same treatment and medications (I m referring to primary healthcare). Last but not least, the prescriptions today cost about $15 US dollars. Total I spent $26 dollars to have this sinus infection diagnosed and medicated...I love Africa!!! I can afford Africa!!!

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