Sunday, October 12, 2008

Things We Take For Granted

Imagine this...You just get out of bed and you have 45 minutes until you have to be at work. You stagger to the shower with your eyes half shut and get into the shower. Mid way through the shower just when you are good and lathered...the water stops flowing through the spout. You start turning knobs, but nothing seems to work. What do you do next???? This is my life in Togo. It is very common for the running water not to run at any point during the day or night. It is also common for the electricity to stop electrifing (I know this is not a word, but it works here). You are sitting at the table enjoying a nice meal and the next thing you know... pitch black.

Rolling blackouts and limited water are very common here. I realized how much I took running water and electricty for granted (as long as a paid my bills). Very few things in life are guaranteed; water and electricty are not on that list (at least here in Africa).

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