Saturday, August 9, 2008

16 Days and Counting!!!

Well guys there are only 16 days left until I depart for Lome. I am very excited and anxious to step my feet on African soil. I got my last vaccine (Yellow Fever) yesterday. Turns out I only needed 6 shots--Whoa! Hoo! God is good all of the time. My dear friend, Courtney, took me to the World Travel Clinic and took fantastic care of me. She is the best:-)

My Roots!!
I just had my African ancestry traced through mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence testing. This DNA test traced my maternal lineage (in other words, my mother's mother's mother's mother). Enough of that info let's reveal my African Ancestry...1...2...3... the Masa people, who settled in present day Cameroon. Of course, I plan on visiting this country whilel in Africa. I have started doing research on the tribe, but have come up empty handed. The Masa people make up a very small percentage of the population in Cameroon. I will keep you all updated on this new revelation.

Following God's Path
As I prepare to embark on this life journey, I am reminded every minute of every day that this is God's plan for my life. There were days when I did not know if this life journey would be possible, financially and mentally. But every time I carried doubt and worry in my heart, God revealed himself to me in the people he put in my life. I have had some amazing, generous, and dedicated people who have made it a priority to get me safe and sound to Africa and I know with every breath in my body that these people were (and continue to be) a gift from God. I say all of this to say THANK YOU to these people (they all know who they are). I thank God for you all every day. I love you all!!!

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