Sunday, August 17, 2008

8 Days and Counting!

Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick!!!! The time is quickly ticking by until I depart on the adventure of my life. I am still in the process of getting things packed to go into storage. I have had to purge so much clothing from my wardrobe. It is amazing how many clothes I had that I did not wear and had not worn for years. This is awful...someone could have been getting good use out of those clothes. I am now about to purge my suitcases (which are almost packed) because I think I packed too much. I am limited to 2- 50 pounds suitcases on the plane. I mailed three boxes of items today to Togo. Hopefully they will get arrive the same week I arrive (cross your fingers and pray to God). This is a short posting, but stay soon because I will have a HUGE surprise in a few days;-0 What ever could it be??????

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