Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Incredible, Edible, Ghana Visa

So here it is 6:20 PM on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 and where in the world is Shelley???? Well Shelley is sitting on the couch at Courtney's town home in Atlanta, GA... OMG... What happened??? Long story short I was...correction...Courtney and I were at the largest airport in the world yesterday from 10AM to 4:30 PM trying to organize my next move, since Delta Airlines would not let me on the plane without a Ghana Visa. I am sure there are folks out there saying "Shelley, duh. I knew you needed a visa." To you I say, "Why did you not tell me????" This just goes to show that not matter how prepared one THINKS they are for life there will undoubtedly be a curve balls thrown...the only solution is to roll with the pitches.

If you now me you know that yesterday was full of tears, walking, talking, and just mere FRUSTRATION!!! But God sent me a support system yesterday (sometimes I forget how blessed I am) . Courtney dropped me off at the airport and was due to work at 1PM, when she got a whiff of the drama that was about to go down, she immediately called the Braves and told them she would need the day off. I would have crumbled for sure if she was not there.

I am currently waiting on the visa. I sent my passport and paperwork to the Ghana Consulate in New York and now I wait!!! I am booked for a flight out on Friday, but it all depends on the incredible, edible, Ghana Visa:-)

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