Monday, September 15, 2008

Ar-cen-ciel International School

The school has three campuses: Maternelle (3-5 year olds), Primarie (1st - 5th grades), and Secondarie (6th-12th grades). The residential section is housed at the Primarie school. It is set up like a collage dorm: two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living area, and a kitchen. My roommate is another American teacher from Arkansas. We spend a lot of time together planning and learning the culture and city.

Every morning I walk to the maternelle school (about 7-10 minutes). I really enjoy this time in the morning because it gives me the chance to reflect on my day to come. I work from about 7:30 AM -11:30 AM teaching seven 3-4 year old students. Three of my students speak English and the rest speak French. It is a busy day because we have Circle Time, Language, Math, Center Time, Snacks, Play Time, Story Time, and Crafts (all of this has to be completed in 4 hours!!). Most days I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off, but it is so much fun. They love to sing and dance:-)

At noon, I walk back home and there is a hot meal waiting for me (made by one of the women here). It is usually a salad, stewed chicken or beef, and pasta/ rice/potatoes, and bread. After lunch I nap for 2 hours or so. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday I head back to work at three. For two hours I teach English to 3-5 year olds. It is pretty fun. This part of the day flies by. At around 5:00PM I am walking back home. I am not ready to venture off into the city without someone who speaks fluent French and some English, so mostly I just hang around the school in the evenings.

At around 6:30 PM it gets dark and dinner is served. I will not be loosing any weight (the food is great and I do not have to cook or clean). This is the best. Mosylt in the evenings I read or talk to Clara...byt the way I have read 4 books in two weeks:-) I am starting number five tonight.

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