Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Grande Marche' (Big Market)

There is only one word to describe it...AMAZING!!! There is about a two mile radius with nothing but small shacks, stands, and people walking around selling items. The people are selling everything from fresh produce to undershirts to hair weave. It reminds me of a outdoors Farmer's Market on steroids. SOOOO many vendors and even more product.

Lome, Togo has the best selection of fresh produce I have ever seen (and those who know me know that food is my hobby). There is a endless supply of fresh pineapples, plantains, bananas, papayas, mangos, oranges, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, apples, and any other fruit or vegetable you could imagine. As I said AMAZING!!! You can purchase two grocery bags of oranges for about $3.00. It is crazy how it is "organic" in the US and "normal" and AFFORDABLE in here in Togo.

The tropical flowers are to die for and just like the fruit AFFORDABLE. Now I just need a vase, so that I can adorn my room with such beauty.

There are two rules when at the market.
1. Only look at items if you want to purchase them. NO browsing here. People get very aggressive with trying to make a sale and it is hard to get them to back off. Your best bet os to know what you want in advance!!!

2. Never take the first price the vendor gives. Always take the price they give at cut it half. There always seems to be an extensive, aggressive conversation at this part of the sell. This can be very intimidating, so I just steer clear and give them the first price. Just call me a peace maker (or weak).

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