Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Just May Rule the World

Moment of Reflection... I went over to my friend, Juliette's, Aunt's house on Sunday. Juliette is Ghanain and her Aunt is from Togo. I spent about 4 hours there talking and learning!!! One of most interesting things I learned is the love for Barack Obama across the world. These women spoke of Barack Obama with such enthusiam, passion, and hope that I forgot they would not be voting in the election today. Despite this fact they have taken a vested interest in the outcome of this election...as they told me...Africa loves Obama!!!! I was told that Kenya (the country in Africa, not the girl next door:-) had a mock election today and Obama won by a land slide. America is on the world stage today and I hope we have a performance that will change the state of the country as well as the world!!!

Note: It is about 10:40 PM and Juliette just called me screaming with excitement. As I was riding to my friend's house tonight I saw four seperate TV stands (4 TVs per stand) on the streets with people gathered around waiting for the news. THE WORLD IS WATCHING!!!!

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