Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Outside My Window Part Duex

As I rise from my daily nap, I hear the most bizarre noise. The sound was a mix between a rooster crowing and a baby crying...so being the "curious" person I am I peep out the window to check out the situation. I will give you one guess about what I saw when I went to the window. You have until 5: 1...2...3...4...5. Okay here it goes... two men were tying together the legs of a goat and the goat was crying out in agony. It took about two minutes for me to register why they would be tying up the goat in such a manner...well it soon became very appartent what was happening before my very eyes. If you already have not figured it out...after tying up the goat, the two men proceeded to cut the goat's throat and drian out the blood.

At first I was a bit disgusted by this whole scene, but then I had to remember the journey the beef cubes had to take to get in the rice I ate for lunch. This is a part of the process I stayed voluntarily ignorant to until now. Reality: In order for me to live something had die!!! The circle of LIFE!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey mrs galbreath this is jacob was woundering how you were doing and when you were coming back.to reach me is williamwods@yahoo.com or 7708196428