Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bonne Fete 2009 in Togo

I wish I had an eventful to tale full of fancy and sorry to disappoint you. NYE in Togo was very similar to how I celebrate NYE in the states...very low key. My body is till recovering from malaria, so I was pretty fatigued; definately not in a mood to go out in the streets. I did my NYE prayer, made my resolutions, and was in bed by 10:30PM. This would have been okay with me, but the Togolese had different plans for me. At around 11:30 I begin to hear the crackeling of fireworks outside my window. As midnight came and went the fireworks got louder and closer. I was so afraid that one was going to come flying through my why not just close my window??? Well, it is TTTTOOO HHHHOOOTTTTT and I do not have air! Anyway this went on until about 2 AM in the morning. What a New Year!!! The best was this morning when I went to go hang with Toya, everyone was dressed in their Sunday best on their way to church:) I should re-consider how I celebrate NYE.


blabbermouth said...

Hey Ms.G,
I hope you are doing better.
I'm loving middle school!! My math teacher, Mr. Washington reminds me of you(funny,determined). One day Ms.Jackson(the administrator) was over the intercom asking for some worksheets. Mr.Washington told us to be quiet, so she will think we weren't in the room. Then Ms. Jackson came down to our room and Mr.Washington hid in the closet. It was hilarious!!!
Best wishes

Shelley Sanders said...

Dear Blabbermouth,
I am glad you are enjoying middle school. I miss you so much. How is everyone?? Tell your family I said hello. Love you much.
Mrs. G